What's the Buzz in 3B
![]() Welcome to the 3B weekly newsletter. Refer to this page to stay up to date with all the happenings in the 3B Learning Hive. 'The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom should I fear. The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom should I be afraid.' Psalm 27:1
March 10-14
Important Notes & Happenings
Week of March 10-14 Chapel Mission ~ Throughout the month of March we will be supporting missionary/deaconess Anna Volker. End of Qt. Error ~ I made an error and the end of the quarter is today 3/10. Positivity Books ~ Please return all book forms by Friday. Even if you orderd online or aren't ordering, please return them as I have to return them to the company. Important Upcoming Dates ~ 4th quarter begins 3/11 Spring Break ~ 3/17-3/21 Academic fair ~ 4/5 ILEARN Testing ~ 4/21-4/28
Academic Notes
Religion - Our study of Jesus' journey to the cross begins. Reading - Compare/Contrast, Cause/Effect, and we will read "Behind the Scenes." Math - Equivalent Fractions continue English- Continuation of Direct Object Pattern 2 Handwriting - We will our names, classmates, and days of the week in cursive. Spelling - List 23 Students will begin taking their tests in cursive & print. I will only grade the printed words for accuracy. The cursive is just an opportunity for more practice. threw, through, thoughtless, caught, fault, taught, because, one, once, water, watch, wanted, wonder, wonderful, & walk Challenge words: talk & whole Memory ~ John 1:14 “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
Wednesday - Spelling Pretest Friday - Memory, Spelling, & English |
![]() Mrs. Bumbleburg