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1B Weekly News
January 20-24

WEDNESDAY is out 100th day of school!  Wow!!!  Only 80 left after that!

The students are flying through their 1,000 charts, writing their numbers. I'm proud of their efforts.

We will begin testing over our sight words.  You might see a sheet with words circled in your child's folder, starting next week. Those are words that your child needs more practice over.

Also, in the folder this week is a list of contractions.  I would like for it to stay in the right side of the folder. I ask that you go over it each night with your child...spending about 5 minutes or less.

In the folder, you will find a permission slip for jumping on the inflatables during National Lutheran Schools Week.  Please sign and return it, so that your child may jump.

Other information about NLSW is in the Weekly Warrior. Notes about singing in church and dress up days will come home, too.

Thank you for all of you who signed up to help with our 100 days snack and for National Lutheran Schools Week treats.  I have the best parent group!!!

Happy birthday to Olivia!

Braden will bring something to keep us guessing.

Our January book report is due January 21st

Our Book order is due January 23rd.

Reid is our "Star of the Week." Her pictures will be posted on our board and she will have an opportunity to share some things about herself.

We will collect offerings on Mondays. Our offering for January will go to Clarity. We have been asked to donate diapers-size 5 and/or newborn sleepers. Thank you for being a blessing to others!

Our school has lots of Fund raising opportunities! The office sells Scrip, which are gift cards to retailers to use like cash.  You get the amount that you pay for, but the school gets a percentage back on the sale. BoxTops (you can enter your receipt online and earn money for the school) and Amazon Smile are also ways for ILS to earn money. Thanks for all the support!

I collect poptabs, which are taken to Riley Children's Hospital. They are converted to help families who stay at the Ronald McDonald House.

In His service,

Mrs. Bell


Wednesday-"Come Follow Me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Friday-(Jesus said,) "I have come to call sinners to repentance." Luke 5:32


tail, shine, trip, green how, by, had

TRANSFER WORDS: play/May, say, way, away


We will learn about Jesus calling the Disciples.


Starting this week, we will begin our "green" reader. It is a large, hard-cover book that will need to come right back to school the next day.  (We will begin reading stories out of it and out of another "big book" reader.) On the second day of reading, we will test for comprehension of the story. I appreciate your helping your child to understand what the story is about.

We are working hard on those tricky vowel blends!

We are writing a story about a "dream adventure."

Also, we will really work hard on contractions!

Remember to listen to and assist your child with the reading material coming home each evening. 

Please make sure the reading books are returned each day.

HOMEWORK (for the night of):

  • Monday-Read "A Photo for Fred" and "The Phantom Frog"
  • Tuesday- Read "Patty's Awful Day"
  • Wednesday- Read "Mr. Paws Invents"
  • Thursday-Read "A Game Called Piggle" 
  • Friday-Read "Grams"

We are continuing to work on addition/subtraction math facts and concepts of solving problems. On Fridays, we will work on time and money.

We are continuing with Rocket Math. We have started "Guessing Jar" and we continue to write our numbers to 1,000.

Practicing math flashcards (addition/subtraction) proves to be very helpful to your child! You can make your own or purchase some.

HOMEWORK:  Math worksheets

Social Studies

We are learning about natural resources.


We continue to learn about animals, their habitats, their predators and prey.

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