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Please remember the Fish Fry on Sunday.  This is held at the Immanuel booth at the Jackson County Fairgrounds.  We hope to see you there.

Today we learned from Mrs. Spray about 'Porcupine' words and 'Teddy Bear' words.  Porcupine words are sharp and pokey and can hurt someone's feelings.  'Teddy Bear' words are warm and comforting.   We will be using these terms in class and I encourage you to use these terms at home as well.


Chapel on Monday.   Offerings for the remainder of this month remain with Good Shepherd Lutheran School in Haiti.

We will be learning about Jacob and Esau this week.   We will be shown how important it is to have patience and to trust in God's timing rather than making our own timeline happen.   This is good advice for all of us adults too! 

We will also be studying the account of Jacob's dream and we will enjoy a fun project on Friday linked to this story.

Language Arts

This is a review week before we move on to a new letter sound.  Forming our d's and g's is a true challenge for some of our friends so I am glad for this extra week to practice.  I will be sending home handwriting homework this week.  We approach all of the letters covered thus far thinking about our heads.   We start our pencil on our right ear, push up over our foreheads, past our other ear, under our chins and back to our ear.  This visual should help to form an o so that our pencil is in the correct position to form an a,d or g.  Starting in the wrong position really makes letter formation difficult.  We will be using paint bags and color coding to help us this week.

 We will be working with the word 'go' this week.   Our story is 'Go Play' and we will also bring home sight word cards for practice.


We are moving on to numbers 6 to 10 this week.  A new set of numbers is introduced one day and the number formation is practiced the next.  Our paint bags will be put to good use in making numbers this week too.

Science/Social Studies

We wrap up our day/night study with a look at shadows.   I had hoped to start this with a special activity on pajama day and then the rain came down... best made plans! 

We did enjoy learning about the power of the sun last week and our experiment helped us to see some items that the sun could melt.  Our crayon did not cooperate and melt as it should have but we did see that many other items melted easily.


The first piece we work on for memory to the Lord's Prayer.  We are doing very well at learning this and I appreciate that our students can join in the prayer during chapel and in the classroom.

Our Father who art in heaven.  Hallowed by Thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever.   Amen.

I will be asking students to recite the prayer during class this week to check that we all have a good understanding of the recent memory work.  Thanks for your help with htis at home.



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