Instructing ~ Leading ~ Serving Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58
3K! Warrior Way!
AR: Keep reading! You should be halfway to your AR Goal by Friday, February 7th! February Mission: We are collecting offering for Camp Lakeview Religion/ Memory: Chapel on Monday, Memory Psalm 23:4-6, Homework due and Quiz on Friday, We will continue with Unit 6: Jesus Teaches and Heals. On Friday, Mrs. Spray will give us a lesson on the Warrior Way trait: Love. Math: We are beginning Topic 8 which is reviewing strategies for addition and subtractions. English: We are reviewing parts of speech and working on writing strong sentences with compound subjects and compound verbs. Reading/Writing: We are focusing on vocabulary and text structures like problem/ solution and main idea. Spelling/Phonics: List 19, Pre-test on Monday, Test on Friday and Homework due on Friday, Working on the schwa sound, prefixes, suffixes and syllables as well. Handwriting: Uppercase S and T Social Studies: Branches of Government
Mrs. Keller