News and Notes for the week of January 6th
Have a great week!
Weekly Agenda
Chapel: Remember your offering money Computers: 2:30-3:00 PM No Bus Service Today!
Memory: Introduction to Lord's Prayer Choir/Recorders: 1:40-2:20 PM
Memory: First Petition (through holy among us also) Spelling: Trial Test Words can be found in your child's expanded folder or on Spelling City. This week's words: cinder circle cardinal cereal cycle concert dancer celebrate twice dangerous strange ledge damage geography gentle signal regular sugar Art: 1:40-2:20 PM
Memory: First Petition (through according to it) Recorders/Choir: 1:40-2:20 PM Library: 2:30-3:00 PM
No Memory on Fridays! English: Test over Unit 2 Group 5 Sentences Spelling: Final Test PE: 1:40-2:20 PM Report cards distributed.
News and Notes
Please remember to bring in your offerings. Christmas Party will be on December 20th. We have 15 students in our room. The following students volunteered to bring in items: Drinks and cups (if needed): Camdyn Williams Plates and Napkins: Paris Love Pretzels, chips, or snack mix: Ava Hubbard Brownies, cookies, or cupcakes: Jolie Bohall Thank you to the families that donated items for the Christmas Party. Thank you for all of the gifts and well wishes during Christmas! I appreciate it. New AR goal forms will be sent home with this newsletter. Please fill it out, sign it, and have your child return it to school. Report cards will be distributed on Friday! Please sign the receipt and have your child return it to school. A slip was sent home on December 20th for your Christmas Church attendance. Please have your child return it to school if they haven't already. In His Service, Mrs. Tracey |
Mrs. Tracey