Healthy Heroes in 6th Grade
Our textbook is Teen Health: Course 1 published by Glencoe
Year Overview
We start the year reviewing what it means to live a healthy life, learning the basics of self-management through positive, healthy choices and decisions. We then move into discussing mental and emotional health as well as positive social health. The bulk of the year is spent going more in depth with physical health discussing personal self-management, nutrition and physical activity, how our bodies change and grow over time, diseases and their prevention, abstaining from tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, and a final chapter on being a good steward of the gifts God has given us. We also have a unit review Digital Citizenship skills as well. Health meets on a rotating every-other-class-day basis. Student planners are checked for accuracy and contain the most up-to-date assignment information. Test dates can be found on the Jr. High Testing page. |
Mrs. Dyer