Mrs. Franke
Mrs. Franke's ELA Classes

Pages for Mrs. Franke's Classes

To find information for each of the classes (6 Literature, 7 Literature, 8 English, and Math Elective) that Mrs. Franke teaches, click on the specific class name at the top of this page.  Please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.

Weekly Calendar

Sunday, -Church & Sunday School

Monday,  - Bring Chapel offerings

Tuesday,  - 

Wednesday, -

Thursday,  -


This Month's Bible Verse

"And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us." 

1 John 5:14

Important Information:

Chapel Offerings Please continue to be generous!

Book Orders!If a student wishes to order in the future, please do so by returning the flyer with cash or check to Scholastic or by ordering with a credit card online.  See the Scholastic link in PageLinks to the right. Our online code is:  GKN8H. 

AR: Please encourage 20 minutes or more of independent reading each day.

Google Classrooms - All junior high students are members of various ILS Google Classes.  The online Google Classroom site is set up for enhancing the educational process and for establishing another route of communication about the class between the teacher and students. All junior high students are expected to check Google Classroom at least once per day.  On a cancelled day, they must check it for each class during the day and submit any homework or responses requested by the class teacher.

Monthly Mission
Our offerings will help those in need.
Please remind your child to bring in chapel offering each week for our mission projects.  This act will not only help our missions, but hopefully will also affirm or establish a habit of giving back to our Lord.  Offerings will be collected all week and taken to chapel each Monday.